LCM Mue Free Edition Repack
Hi! This repack includes some significant improvements + stability make up. It's a ready package for those who want to avoid fixing bits and pieces of Mu Server files.
This file is based on MUE Free Edition by Phit. We've used these files for our Midgard server previously. We have no use for this anymore, we got a our MUE Premium Files. So I'm here to share.
Notable Features:
1 Account Per IPCustom Credit System (Simple System Structure For Web App Integration)Fixed Empty Sphere (Client)ExDB/Ranking/Chat/Event servers replace with DataServerEx from Mu-Server-ExShops Pre-configured For Mid Rate ServerNPCS moderately pre-positionedKanturu, Balgass, Crywolf maps addedWZ_MLS_LOAD/SAVE FixedWZ_QMK_LOAD/SAVE FIXEDWZ_CONNECT_MEMB FIXEDWZ_DISCONNECT_MEMB FIXEDLorencia Battle RingMob Spots Pre-configured
Stable/No Crashes
Serveris -
Klients -
Project MU Main & Patch (including Battle Ring & Seed Sphere 4 & 5 fixes) -
1 Account Per IP:
We've devised our own procedure of prevent multiple account connections by utilizing the WZ_CONNECT_MEMB SQL Procedure. How it works: WZ_CONNECT_MEMB checks if IP already exists in the MEMB_STAT table, if so transfer list GameID1 - 5 to G1 -5 and empty GameID1 - 5 in the AccountCharacter table.
The user is forced to create a new character. This time, once the user clicks "OK - Character Creation", WZ_CreateCharacter SQL Procedure is called. The procedure checks for IP from the MEMB_STAT table. If the number of records is more than 1 - rollback transaction. This results in the client being stuck in "Please wait" dialogue & the client is forced to quit.
For MU Core 1.08Find:$make_me_accAdd After:$make_credits = $core_db2->Execute("INSERT INTO MEMB_CREDITS (memb___id,credits) VALUES (?,?)",array($userid, '0'));
Fix 1 Account Per IP (Open WZ_CONNECT MEMB)Find:IF(@ROW_COUNT > 0)BEGINUPDATE AccountCharacter SET IP=@IP, G1=GameID1, G2=GameID2, G3=GameID3, G4=GameID4, G5=GameID5, GameID1='', GameID2='', GameID3='', GameID4='', GameID5='' WHERE id=@memb___idAdd After:insert into MEMB_STAT (memb___id,ConnectStat,ServerName,IP,ConnectTM)values(@memb___id, @ConnectStat, @ServerName, @IP, getdate())
Replace WZ_DISCONNECT_MEMB with:CREATE PROCEDURE WZ_DISCONNECT_MEMB@memb___id varchar(10)ASBeginset nocount onDeclare @find_id varchar(10)Declare @ConnectStat tinyintDeclare @OnlineHours realSet @ConnectStat = 0 -- Á¢¼Ó »óÅ °ª 1 = Á¢¼Ó, 0 = Á¢¼ÓXSet @find_id = 'NOT'DECLARE @ROW_COUNT intDECLARE @IP varchar(25)SELECT @IP = IP FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE MEMB___ID = @memb___idSELECT @ROW_COUNT = COUNT(IP) FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE IP=@IPIF(@ROW_COUNT > 0)BEGINUPDATE AccountCharacter SET GameID1=G1, GameID2=G2, GameID3=G3, GameID4=G4, GameID5=G5 WHERE id=@memb___idDELETE FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE MEMB___ID = @memb___idENDELSEBEGINUPDATE AccountCharacter SET GameID1=G1, GameID2=G2, GameID3=G3, GameID4=G4, GameID5=G5 WHERE id=@memb___idselect @find_id = S.memb___id from MEMB_STAT S INNER JOIN MEMB_INFO I ON S.memb___id = I.memb___idwhere I.memb___id = @memb___idif( @find_id <> 'NOT' ) -- Á¢¼Ó Á¾·á 󸮴 Á¢¼Ó 󸮸¦ ÇßÀ»¶§¸¸ À¯È¿ÇÏ°Ô ÇÑ´ÙbeginSELECT @OnlineHours=DATEDIFF(mi,ConnectTM,getdate()) FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE memb___id = @memb___idUPDATE MEMB_CREDITS SET Credits=(Credits+(@OnlineHours/3)) WHERE memb___id=@memb___idDELETE FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE MEMB___ID = @memb___id--update MEMB_STAT set ConnectStat = 0, DisConnectTM = getdate()-- where memb___id = @memb___idendENDendGO
Go to your server files & edit: /data/lang/eng/commonloc.cfgReplace the serial with: Ae2wLmoXmjioZukO or change it to your own serial.
Credits To:
Phit - MUEngine
Massimosee - Seed Sphere 4 & 5 Fix, Testing 1 IP fix
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